- 我们因为一次邀请而分手。
- We broke up because of an invitation .
- 我们因我们有附件问题而有附件问题。
- We had attachment problems because of our attachment problems .
- 就为这,癞蛤蟆很少再说多么轻松愉快之类的话了。
- Because of this toad said very little about a pleas ant easy life .
- 南投县政府表示,鉴于去年发生的两人死亡事件,他们今年采取了特别的预防措施。
- The nantou county government said that in view of the two deaths that occurred last year they took special precautions this year .
- 前音乐家,马特里会执政,可能造成政治混乱,基于此,稳定团不可能进一步缩减军队人数了。
- But further reductions are unlikely in view of the political tumult during the first year of the presidency of michel martelly a former musician .
- 考虑到他们脆弱的适应能力,非洲沙哈拉地区的小农业生产者、小庄园主、渔业生产者同样属于最易受气候变化冲击的人群。
- In view of their limited adaptive capacity smallholder farmers pastoralists and artisanal fishers in ssa are among the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change .