- 斯瓦卓恩和他的同事指出ibex观测到的窄带和银河系在边缘处的磁场方向垂直,这预示着它对太阳周围的影响比预想的要强烈得多。
- The ibex ribbon runs perpendicular to the direction of the galaxy 's magnetic field at the interstellar boundary , an indication that the field has a much stronger than expected influence on the sun 's environs , report schwadron and his colleagues .
- 针对华南粤西沿海出现的一次海雾过程,采用现场观测试验获取的数据,结合ncep再分析数据,分析了此次南海北部海雾的大尺度环流背景、边界层结构以及雾的微物理特征。
- The large scale synoptic background , boundary layer structure and microphysical characteristics of a sustained sea fog event that occurred in the north part of the south china sea are analyzed by using field observation and ncep re-analysis data .
- 斯瓦卓恩和他的同事指出ibex观测到的窄带和银河系在边缘处的磁场方向垂直,这预示着它对太阳周围的影响比预想的要强烈得多。
- The ibex ribbon runs perpendicular to the direction of the galaxy 's magnetic field at the interstellar boundary , an indication that the field has a much stronger than expected influence on the sun 's environs , report schwadron and his colleagues .