- 简而言之,在苹果工作就像为一个巨大的初创公司工作,而那里对不完美的表现是很难容忍的。
- In a nutshell : it 's a lot like working for a giant startup with a low tolerance for imperfection .
- 简单地说,这是一个地区经济一体化的例子。
- That , in a nutshell , is the case for regional economic integration .
- 简单地说,在给定的刺激条件下,红头发的人会有更强的痛感,因此需要更多的麻醉剂来减轻痛苦。
- In a nutshell , redheads are likely to experience more pain from a given stimulus and therefore require more anesthesia to alleviate that pain .