- 死亡是一个孤独的过程。
- Dying can be a lonely process .
- 创造性的死亡是再生的标志。
- Dying creatively is the hallmark of vivisystems .
- 要么忙着活,要么忙着死。
- Get busy living , or get busy dying .
- 格鲁吉亚梦想由六个党派组成,包括已经奄奄一息的前反对派的成员们。
- Georgian dream comprises six parties , including denizens of previously moribund opposition groups .
- 这可能需要政府甚至跨国机构提供支持,以便有序关闭垂死的金融机构。
- This might require government or even supranational assistance in the orderly closure of moribund institutions .
- 意大利的高级人物也敦促要做出根本性的变化去解放垂死的经济,并刺激增长。
- Senior italian figures are also pressing for more fundamental changes to free up a moribund economy and spur growth .