- 当史蒂夫冲下斜坡时,他可以听到罗尼在前面呼喊。
- As steve bolted down the slope , he could hear ronnie 's cries ahead .
- 你或许感到现在你的生活是一个巨大的向下的斜坡。
- You might be feeling like your life right now is one giant downhill slope .
- 权宜之计:如果你住在斜坡上,试着做一个虹吸管。
- The quick fix : if you live on a slope , try making a siphon .
- 在泥浆里的拍摄已经很完美的结束了.
- The filming in the sandbar was finished well .
- 珍珠养殖场的沙洲俯瞰海滩度假。
- The sandbar overlooking pearl farm beach resort .
- 那艘轮船在沙洲搁浅了3个小时。
- The ship was hung up on a sandbar three hours .
- 在上一段中,我提到在南部英语中hw和w进行了合并。
- Above I said that in southern english hw and w merged .
- 从1998年开始的观察就表明,w非常接近-1。
- Observations made since 1998 suggest that w is pretty close to - 1 .
- 这是1983年欧洲原子核研究组织发现的w和z玻色子情况。
- This was the case with the w and z bosons , particles discovered at cern in 1983 .