- 但这幅图景缺了一块关键的内容。
- But a key piece is missing from this picture .
- 你又吃另外一块蛋糕呢?
- You 're having another piece of cake ?
- 他一边画画儿一边啃着一片面包。
- He nibbled a piece of bread while drawing a picture .
- 这么处理会敲掉他们年度预算赤字中相当大的一块.
- Such a deal would knock a significant lump off their annual budget deficits .
- 就像被施了魔法,一块肉掉到了他的脚下。
- As if by magic , a lump of meat dropped at his feet .
- 其中一张照片显示在她的额头上肿起一块高尔夫球般大小的包。
- One showed a lump the size of a golf ball protruding from her forehead .
- 离他们头上仅几寸高,悬着一大块水泥板。
- A large chunk of concrete loomed inches above their heads .
- 比如,每个家庭预算中的一大块都花在住房上。
- Everyone devotes a huge chunk of their budget to housing , for example .
- 技术行业职位业占了我们首选职业选择的一大块。
- Technology positions also account for a good chunk of our top-choice careers .