- 瑞典一个遍布岩石的岛屿曾在18和19世纪发现了四种稀土元素,对岛上一座废弃露天矿的造访也未能奏效。
- A visit to an abandoned opencast mine on a rocky swedish island where four rare earths were found in the 18th and 19th centuries fails to bear fruit .
- 如果金哈伯特和其他早期的技术官僚统治建筑师今天还活著,他们会很高兴看到他们在能源分配的思想种子,这大规模地生长结出果实。
- King hubbert and other early architects of technocracy were alive today , they would be very pleased to see the seeds of their ideas on energy allocation grow to bear fruit on such a large scale .
- 让东丽得以摆脱英国courtaulds(最终被分拆并出售)等行业先驱命运的,是该公司决心坚持基础研发,尽管这可能需要数十年才能取得成果。
- What enabled toray to escape the fate of pioneers in the industry such as courtaulds , the uk group that was finally broken up and sold off , was its determination to persevere with basic research and development , even though it might take decades to bear fruit .