- 但是他的时代最终走向瓦解。
- Yet his era led to collapse .
- 金融崩溃则需要更多的救助。
- Financial collapse threatens further bailouts .
- 俄罗斯在历经communism瓦解之后的特殊境况可谓独一无二。
- Russia 's particular circumstances after communism 's collapse make it unique .
- 微生物附着在碎屑上生长,这样的一个大桶会沉下去,但是当它脱去上面附着的藤壶以后他又会浮出水面。
- As organisms grow on the debris , barrels like this one may sink and then resurface after sloughing off the heavy barnacles .
- 芒果树在树径上撒着繁花,蜜蜂一只一只地嗡嗡飞来。
- The mango tree was sloughing its flowers above the village road , and the bees came humming one by one .
- 锌同时有助于新细胞的产生和代谢皮肤的脱落,使皮肤重新焕发生机。
- Zinc also assists in new-cell production and the sloughing off of dead skin , which gives the skin a nice glow .
- 巴勒斯坦当局因为屈服于美国的压力而在国内受到了严重冲击,之后可能会提出新的决定。
- The pa , which faced a furious backlash at home for caving in to us pressure , may introduce a new version .
- 对孟加拉国政府而言,这是存有风险的,孟加拉国政府可能会被指责行事优柔寡断,甚至屈服于外国压力。
- This is risky for the government , which will be accused of vacillating or even caving in to foreign pressure .
- 对cosatu的屈服,从政治角度看原因很简单,因为该联盟是非洲国民大会左翼重要的同盟者。
- The political reasons for caving in to cosatu are clear . The union is an important ally on the anc 's left .