- 像日本这样的国家,具有高度的文化同质性、遵从性和凝聚力;所有人都假定其他人知道什么是“正确”的行为举止,并且这里存在着强有力、默认的社会标准推动其实施。
- A country such as japan has a high level of cultural homogeneity , conformity and cohesion ; everybody presumes that everyone else knows how to behave " correctly " , and there are powerful unspoken social norms to enforce that .
- 在群体成分中避免同质化,可以降低这种可能性。
- We can reduce this by avoiding homogeneity in group composition .
- 其次,这种不断增强的同质化趋势会不可避免地螺旋升级,造成冲突和暴力,因为很快每个人都会开始争抢同样的东西。
- Second , this escalating homogeneity inevitably spirals into conflict and violence , because soon everyone is competing for the same things .
- 总得平等的对待问题的双方。
- The larger issue is one of equality .
- 新英格兰地区现已成为平等的温床。
- New england is now a hotbed of equality .
- 我们可以做什么来促进社会平等?
- What can we do to promote equality ?
- 你穿新制服看上去很漂亮。
- You look beautiful in your new uniform .
- 湖的其余部分呈现出几乎一致的蓝绿色。
- The rest of the lake appears nearly uniform blue-green .
- 认为他穿上制服就神气非凡。
- He thinks he is something in that uniform .