- 瑞塔莱克认为大量的埃迪卡拉化石,其中包括狄更逊水母与今日的地衣类似的结构,他还表示有证据表明它们生长的土地时有结冻。
- Retallack says a number of the ediacaran fossils , including dickinsonia ( pictured ) show structures similar to today 's lichens , and he also says there is evidence the land they were growing on was sometimes frozen .
- 丽塔来克在今日网络《自然》杂志里报道;所有长期被认为是海底生物体化石示意,它们实际是陆生动植物的残留物,同今天的地衣,或是其它聚落微生物相似。
- Together , the evidence hints that fossils long thought to represent seafloor organisms are actually the remnants of terrestrial organisms similar to today 's lichens or other microbial colonies , retallack reports online today innature .
- 渐渐地海岸线越来越近了,先是绿色和棕色的青苔地衣消失了,然后黑色的火山岩也消失了,最后,当一天早上你醒来的时候,发现一切变成了灿烂的白色。
- Gradually the coastlines draw closer and slowly begin to lose first the greens and ochres of mosses and lichens , then the black of volcanic basalt , and one morning you wake up and everything has turned brilliant white .