- 巨大的一圈圈的带刺铁丝网在海浪中生锈。
- Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf .
- 高筑铁丝围栏环绕着整个建筑。
- A high wire fence circles the building .
- 如果小狗咬坏了通电的电线,它们就会被电着了。
- If they chew through to a live wire they could get shocked .
- 地面还在继续往上冲。
- And the ground kept coming .
- 更大规模的跨境借贷也将也将获得发展基础。
- The ground will also be laid for greater cross-border lending .
- 领导者建立的基础规则很大程度的贯穿他们自己的行为。
- Leaders establish the ground rules largely through their own behavior .