- 天使拿着香炉,用坛上的火把它装满了,投在地上;于是就有雷轰、响声、闪电和地震。
- And the angel took the censer , and filled it with fire of the altar , and cast it into the earth : and there were voices , and thunderings , and lightnings , and an earthquake .
- 正因一起涉资数十亿美元的电信腐败丑闻而饱受批评的印度总理曼莫汉辛格(manmohansingh),突然之间又面临一个更加现实的问题洋葱价格飙升。
- Indian prime minister manmohan singh , already under fire over a multibillion-dollar telecoms corruption scandal , suddenly has a more down-to-earth problem on his plate the skyrocketing price of onions .
- 地震还被解释为阴力(水)和地球内部的阳力(火)不平衡。
- Earthquakes were also explained by an imbalance of yin forces ( water ) and yang forces ( fire ) inside the earth .