- 现代性解放政治生活政治--吉登斯的思想地形图。
- Modernity , emancipatory politics and life politics : topographic map of giddens 's thoughts .
- 哥伦比亚起伏褶皱的地势往往使得交通十分不便。
- Colombia 's wrinkled topography has always made transport difficult .
- 里约多山的地势和蜿蜒的海岸线以及仅有的两条地铁系统意味着公共交通主要依靠公交车。
- The city 's mountainous topography , sinuous coastline and limited two-line metro system mean that transport is primarily by bus .
- 以其宽阔的马路、温和的气候和地势平坦墨尔本是在一个奇妙的位置,利用这种增长趋势和获得经济效益。
- With its wide roads , mild climate and flat topography , melbourne is in a fantastic position to capitalise on this growing trend and to reap the economic benefits .