- 开拓怎样的视野可以培养你的信念并激励你的行动?
- What is the horizon of meaning that nourishes your beliefs and motivates your actions ?
- 深水地平线号的失败使整个国家的斗志都受到了打击。
- Deepwater horizon 's failure demoralized the whole nation .
- “大东西”将在2009年出现在芝加哥的视野中。
- Big things are on chicago 's horizon in 2009 - literally .
- 手机的屏幕也都采用了横向的版式。
- Mobile phone screens also use a horizontal orientation .
- 保持水平和深厚的民主是很棒的。
- Being horizontal and deeply democratic is wonderful .
- 但是他们情绪的白热化无法仅仅通过横向分析来解释。
- But the heat of their passion cannot be explained by merely horizontal analysis .
- 电影开端的场景还是如史诗般威严的崎岖山峰、闪电暴风和有着针叶树点缀的无限的地平线,现在杰克和恩尼斯只剩下灼热的生活记忆。
- The early scenes languish on the epic majesty of craggy peaks , electric storms , and endless horizons dotted with conifers . Searing life memories are made for jack and ennis .
- 一向满足于由股票或债券构成投资组合的富人扩大了眼界,开始寻求不同的投资组合方式,并对另类投资市场表现出兴趣。
- The wealthy , who traditionally were content with portfolios made up of equities or bonds , have widened their horizons and sought a different mix , showing an interest in alternative investment markets .
- 他们告诉我我患有一种所谓“持续残疾”的病而且需要“缩小眼界”,就这样他们不停地在我绝望多年的精神上泼冷水。
- They kept pouring accelerant onto my years of despair by telling me I had an ' ongoing disability ' and needed to ' lower my horizons ' .
- 胜诉的一方可能对外滩的天际线产生重要影响。
- The winner could have an impact on the bund 's skyline .
- 看到灰色的天空柔和了地平线的边缘,稍稍让我释然些。
- I was relieved the sky was gray , softening the edges of the skyline .
- 今天,它参差起伏的天际线在烟雾中伸展绵延。
- Today a jagged skyline rises through the smog .