- 这说明沿断层带的谷口部位最近的抬升。
- They indicate recent uplift along the fault zone at the mouth .
- 觅食的最佳地点是在一个水流上涌区域。
- The best place to do so is in an upwelling zone .
- 去探索世界吧,离开你的舒适地带。
- Explore the world and get out of your comfort zone .
- 这片区域经济繁荣。
- The region is economically prosperous .
- 每个区都有自己的税法。
- Every region has its own tax laws .
- 想知道区域x是否控制着功能y?
- Does region x control function y ?
- 让你的腰带搭你的鞋。
- Match your belt to your shoes .
- 这台腰带健身器让我觉得好好笑喔!
- This belt massager makes me laugh !
- 一系列传送带式的审判正在进行。
- A conveyor belt of trials is in motion .
- 整片地区可能很快就会消失。
- The entire district may soon be gone .
- 这个家庭住在一个人口居住稠密的地区。
- The family lived a district thickly inhabited .
- 他已两次来访此区。
- He has visited the district twice .