- 当初张衡发明出他的地动仪时,人们都在嘲笑他,只有后来全世界才意识到他的伟大。
- People laughed at zhang heng when he first introduced his seismograph , and it was only later that the world recognized his greatness .
- 银川地震台cts-1数字地震仪震级校正初探。
- Primary study on the magnitude correction for cts-1 digital seismograph in yinchuan seismic station .
- 清朝末年,以张衡地动仪为代表的科学思路在海外得到发扬,诞生了现代地震学。
- In the last years of the qing dynasty , the scientific train of thought represented by the seismograph of zhang heng was promoted overseas , and modern seismology came into being .
- 别的同学纷纷转动着地球仪寻找老师提问的地理位置,他只好干坐着。
- Other classmate is turning tellurion searchs the situation that the teacher quizs in succession , he is forced to work sitting .
- 有人便拿出平面圆的地球图给他们看,他们不信;拿出地球仪来,他们也不信。
- Somebody takes out the earthly picture of planar circle to look to them , they are not believed ; take out tellurion , they also are not believed .