- 格莱托喜欢伦敦的地铁.
- Gretel loves the underground in london .
- 地下发生地震的地方叫震源。
- Underground is where the earthquake epicenter .
- 该公司还为伦敦地铁供应铁轨润滑剂。
- It also supplies london underground with rail lubricant .
- 在这个传奇的考古遗址,已经出土了超过60位古法老的地下墓穴。
- More than 60 subterranean crypts of ancient egyptian pharaohs have been unearthed at this legendary archaeological site .
- 但是埃及已在修建一道深深扎入沙土中的铁栅栏,用以阻挠这种地下交通。
- But egypt has been building an iron barrier , sunk deep into the sandy soil , to thwart this subterranean traffic .
- 随着罗森博格对危地马拉政坛的地下世界挖掘得更深,他告诉好友说,自己也开始收到威胁了。
- As rosenberg dug deeper into the subterranean world of guatemalan politics he told friends that he had begun receiving threats himself .
- 那么秘诀又是什么呢?
- So what is the secret ?
- 它们的成功秘诀是什么?
- The secret of their success ?
- 日本成功的秘诀是什么?
- One secret to japan 's success ?