- 在春天这个季节里,当天朗气清的时候,如果不到室外欣赏大自然的丰饶,并分享天地的喜悦,就是对它的一种伤害和亵渎。
- In those vernal seasons of the yearwhen the air is calm and pleasant it were an injury and sullenness against nature not to go out and see her richesand partake in her rejoicing with heaven and earth .
- 就在那时,耶稣在圣灵里欢腾,说,父阿,天地的主,我颂扬你,因为你将这些事,向智慧通达人藏起来,向婴孩却启示出来。
- In that hour he exulted in the holy spirit and said , I extol you , father , lord of heaven and earth , because you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to babes .
- 他们思想解放,天不怕地不怕,没有什么脚镣手铐的束缚,规划搞得很生动。
- The minds of the comrades there are emancipated , they defy heaven and earth and are not fettered by shackles and manacles , and their plans are dynamic .