- 我以为有一屋子小孩叫叫嚷嚷的人应当是我,凯瑟琳则是独自一人过日子,晚上一个人躺在床上读书。
- I thought it would be me who would end up with a houseful of muddy boots and hollering kids , while catherine would be living by herself , a solo act , reading alone at night in her bed .
- 还有,她将住在好莱坞,而你将住在纽约。
- Besides , she 'll be living in hollywood , and you 'll be living in new y ork .
- 因耶和华的忿怒,必无人居住,要全然荒凉。凡经过巴比伦的要受惊骇,又因她所遭的灾殃嗤笑。
- Because of the wrath of the lord no one will be living in it , and it will be quite unpeopled : everyone who goes by babylon will be overcome with wonder , and make sounds of fear at all her punishments .