- 可他却有一块丝绸手帕,几根木棒以及一些细绳,这样他自己就不用靠近闪电,他可以放一个风筝靠近闪电。
- He did have a silk handkerchief , a couple of sticks and some string , so instead of getting himself up near the lightning , he flew a kite up to it .
- 可他却有一块丝绸手帕,几根木棒以及一些细绳,这样他自己就不用靠近闪电,他可以放一个风筝靠近闪电。
- He did have a silk handkerchief , a couple of sticks and some string , so instead of getting himself up near the lightning , he flew a kite up to it .
- 他们年纪尚轻,两个人都健康勤劳,所以他们这里那里节省一点,几年后,他们就会在晚上挽着胳膊走向埃菲尔铁塔,发现自己在拱顶下仰着头看向照耀着这个灯光之城的灯塔。
- They were young , both healthy and working , so they would save a little here and there and in a couple of years , they would be walking up to the eiffel tower at night arm in arm , find themselves underneath the arch and look up at the beacon that shined on this city of lights .