- 一个人该如何从怀疑论者变成信徒?
- How does one turn from skeptic to believer ?
- 他表示,鳕鱼学院让他成为水产养殖的信徒。
- He says the cod academy made him a believer in fish farming .
- 当你成为信徒时,你也同时成为神的使者。
- When you became a believer , you also became god 's messenger .
- 在那一刻,弟子开悟了。
- At that moment the disciple was enlightened .
- 但他自己并非是加强监管的信徒,这一状况直到最近才有所改变。
- But , until recently , he has scarcely been a disciple of tighter regulation .
- 他是一个虔诚的人,一个rms的信徒并能受到图灵,冯诺依曼和摩尔强大的精神感召。
- Linus was a devout man , a disciple of rms and mightyin the spirit of turing , von neumann and moore .
- 每个信徒都有自己的礼制,虽然大多数是遵循自我禁欲和延迟享乐的准则。
- Each devotee has his own rituals , though most rely on the principles of self-mortification and delayed gratification .
- 12/14印度.阿拉哈巴德:一名印度教信徒在恒河圣浴之后虔诚祈祷。
- 12 / 14 Allahabad , india : a hindu devotee offers prayers after taking a holy dip in the waters of the ganges river
- 他是为普普通通的当代共和党极端主义者,一名艾茵兰德(aynrand)的信徒,他认为所有问题的答案就是对富人减税,同时大幅削减穷人及中产阶级的福利。
- He 's a garden-variety modern g.o.p. extremist , an ayn rand devotee who believes that the answer to all problems is to cut taxes on the rich and slash benefits for the poor and middle class .