- 我们确切知道他在自己的第一次集会上说了什么。
- We know exactly what he said to his first congregation .
- 这就是为什么我会鼓励集会人员在我说教的时候要多加注意的原因了。
- That 's why I encourage my congregation to take notes during my sermons .
- 贵族经营着教区教堂,他们的佃农和雇工也加入了宗教集会。
- The aristocracy ran the parish church , their tenant farmers and workers making up the congregation .
- 康奈尔大学的传统是邀请有名的校友回来,在为毕业生及其家人和朋友举行的高层集会上发表讲话。
- As a tradition at cornell , distinguished alumni were invited to give speeches at the senior convocation , which was held for graduates , their families and guests .
- 听与讲马来语的同灵有福了,因为专以马来文(国语)的圣会再次为您
- Blessed are those who hear and speak in malay as a malay speaking spiritual convocation is once again organized for you !
- 七月初十是赎罪日;你们要守为圣会,并要刻苦己心,也要将火祭献给耶和华。
- Also on the tenth of this seventh month a day of atonement : it shall be an holy convocation unto you ; and ye shall afflict your souls , and offer an offering made by fire unto the lord .