- 但是,圣画真的就神圣吗?
- But is all holy art that holy ?
- 神圣的树木灾难临头了!
- Woe for the holy trees !
- 零是个神圣的数字。
- The number zero was holy .
- 这是一项神圣的使命。
- That is a sacred task .
- 所有的林地都是神圣的。
- All the woodland is sacred .
- 现在的时刻是真正的神圣。
- The present moment was then truly sacred .
- 2009年在杭州还完成了在南宋御街展览馆。
- Also finished in 2009 in hangzhou , was the exhibition hall of the imperial street of southern song dynasty .
- 但在位于京都市中心的旧皇宫京都御所附近的入山豆腐店(iriyamatofu),早起的人们还能看见两大缸北海道产大豆在烧木柴的黏土灶上滋滋冒着热气。
- But at iriyama tofu , near the old imperial palace in central kyoto , those who get up very early can see two large vats of hokkaido-grown soya beans simmering over wood-burning clay stoves .
- 此外,宫内厅(imperialhouseholdagency)的历史学家断言,皇室血统源自天照大御神(amaterasu)一位并非如最近的这位小男丁那样剖腹产出,而是从神伊邪那歧(izanagi.)的一只眼睛中诞生的太阳女神。
- What is more , historians of the imperial household agency ( iha ) can affirm , the lineage is descended from amaterasu , the sun goddess born not by caesarean section , as was the latest little tyke , but from an eye of the god izanagi .
- 无人知晓“奥马哈圣人”是否真的会收购这些主权财富基金所收购的股份。
- Nobody knows whether the sage would have bought any of the stakes purchased by sovereign wealth funds .
- 智者回答说,如果你真的很想知道答案,请明天早上来河边见我。
- The sage said , if you really want to know the path , meet me at the river tomorrow morning .
- 年轻人跟着智者上了一条船,沿着河流漂流而下。
- The sage and the young man then got into a boat and went down the river .
- 年幼的皇帝自杀殉国。
- The child emperor committed suicide .
- 每个人都将忽然间发现,威严的皇帝没穿衣裳。
- And suddenly everyone will discover that the venerable emperor has no clothes .
- 帝企鹅只生活在严酷的南极冰原,它们完全颠倒了传统的父母角色。
- Traditional parenting roles are reversed for emperor penguins , which live only on the harsh antarctic ice .
- 他就读了下来,看到一段讲述白令海圣马修岛上的驯鹿被完全消灭了。
- Reading on , he came to a passage about reindeer being wiped out on st matthew island in the bering sea .
- 这个发现来自standrews大学的科学家,最开始他们是想知道到底火焰中到底有什么。
- The idea comes from a st andrews university scientist challenged to find out just what is inside a flame .
- 用圣安妮,圣母玛丽亚和婴儿耶稣作为主题在当时可不怎么新鲜。
- The subject of st anne , the virgin mary and the infant jesus was far from new .