- 土家织锦是当地妇女手工织成。传统上是尽格简练,花纹宽大绚丽和图案多样。
- Tujia brocade is hand-made by the local women . It is with classically simple style features , wide veins of bright colors and diverse patterns .
- 很多房子依旧伫立着,在传统的福建风格的低矮的建筑中鹤立鸡群。
- Many of these buildings still stand , towering amongst the low-slung saddle back fujian-style traditional local architecture .
- 这就是说,东盟的领导人能够做更多事情来实现其崇高的诺言实现欧洲那样的经济一体化,来给予当地公司一个相当大的国内市场,从而建立领先世界的公司。
- That said , asean 's leaders could do much more to keep their lofty promises of european-style economic integration , to give local companies a sizeable home market from which to build world-beating businesses .