- 想想一下一正行驶在一个环形跑道上。
- Imagine you 're driving on a circular race track .
- 奇特之处:这座环形建筑犹如一架ufo。
- How it 's strange : the circular building resembles a ufo .
- 电缆塔或日光反射装置安装前太阳能发电基地里的环形道路。
- Circular service roads within a solar field prior to installation of pylons or heliostats .
- 下一回合也未必能表现得更好。
- The next round may not fare much better .
- 多哈回合贸易谈判已经搁置。
- The doha trade round has stalled .
- 有人怀疑这一回合的结果么?
- Was the outcome of this round ever in doubt ?
- 从燃烧的炼油厂球形储藏罐中冒出一股黑色的浓烟。
- The refinery fire sent a plume of thick black smoke from blazing spherical storage tanks .
- 他们让一束激光穿过一个球形电极打向一个极性相反的平板电极。
- They sent a laser beam past a spherical electrode toward an oppositely charged flat electrode .
- 激光阱能使一个直径仅1毫米的微小的球形样品保持悬浮,这样就可以做实验了。
- The laser trap can keep a tiny spherical sample -- measuring only a millimeter across -- levitated so experiments can be done .
- 在那时期,克利斯图达斯帕尔是圆滑的政治家,拉真德拉尔密特拉则是勇敢的斗士。
- In those days kristo das pal was the tactful politician , and rajendrahal mitra the valiant fighter .
- 这也是给出一些机智圆滑且诚实建议来提高性技巧的最佳时机。
- This is the perfect time to make tactful but honest suggestions about improving sexual technique .
- 但是,要使成文法律保护普通人的权益却不限制出版自由,这很困难可以看看法国的经验,法国既有隐私法又有极度圆滑的报纸。
- But writing legislation which protects ordinary people yet does not constrain the press 's freedom is hard-witness the experience of france , which has a privacy law and a tradition of excessively tactful newspapers .