- 汽车厂的固定成本很高。
- Car plants have high fixed costs .
- 立体快巴沿固定线路运行。
- It runs along a fixed route .
- 目前,这些指标往往是固定的,完全不考虑市场的情绪。
- Currently these tend to be fixed irrespective of the market 's mood .
- 他对她有一种固恋。
- He has a fixation about her .
- 如果用了,那就是追踪利用视觉方法帮助引导注视效率和准确性。
- If you did , it was for the purpose of tracking-using a visual aid to guide fixation efficiency and accuracy .
- 遗传学与自由生活细菌中固氮作用的调节。
- Genetics and regulation of nitrogen fixation in free-living bacteria .
- 许多稳定的胸腰段爆裂性骨折采用制动和早期下床活动等非手术治疗。
- Many stable thoracolumbar burst fractures are treated nonsurgically with external immobilization and early ambulation .
- 一组以关节制动的方法,采用石膏管型固定右膝关节,人工制作骨关节炎动物模型作为实验组,另一组作为对照组。
- Group one used joint immobilization method , adopt cast to fix right knee joint , this group is experiment group ; another group was used as control group .
- 结论采用去坐骨神经的方法可成功建立幼鼠废用性骨质疏松动物模型。
- Conclusions using sciatic neurotomy could establish an animal model of immobilization osteoporosis in young rats .