- 围绕目前的趋势刺激讨论。
- Stimulating discussion around current trends .
- 在家附近来个快步走。
- Take a brisk walk around the neighborhood .
- 巴菲特也在四处寻找机会。
- Warren buffett is also sniffing around .
- 我老看见死神在我周围转悠。
- I often see azrael is all round me saunter .
- 实行从供应商到客户的全面品质管理,竭力为客户提供优质的产品和服务。
- It conducts all round managements regarding from suppliers to customers and tries to offer customers excellent products services .
- 他站在那儿环顾四周。
- He stood there looking all round .
- 我们附上人民币200元的支票一张。
- We enclose a cheque for rmb 200 .
- 我们附上人民币1200元的支票一张。
- We enclose a cheque for rmb 1200 .
- 随函附上我方价目表一份。
- We enclose a copy of our price list .
- 他必须控制由叛变者组建的自由叙利亚军,他们决意用武力来推翻政权。
- And he must corral the free syrian army of defectors bent on toppling the regime by force .
- 科拉尔博士推测,那种裂纹扩展为三个维度使能量消散的更快,制止了缺陷的扩展。
- Dr corral suspects that extending cracking into the third dimension dissipates the energy faster and stops the fault spreading .
- 当未发出事件信号时,会阻止在其上等待的线程,就像阻拦马棚中的马。
- When the event is not signaled , threads that wait on it block , like horses in a corral .
- 用羊毛毡或粗麻布把植株包起来,用绳子把布料绑在植株上。
- Wrap the plant in fleece or hessian and tie the fabric to the plant with string .
- 另外一名乘客给我一件羊毛衫裹住宝宝。
- Another passenger gave me her cardigan to wrap the baby in .
- 281磅又8盎司重的塑料带裹成球形,上面可以站个人。
- 281 Lb 8 oz of plastic wrap shaped as a ball , big enough to stand on .
- 他穿了一件合身的羊毛外套,脖子上围了一条丝质围巾。
- He wore a beautiful wool coat and a silk scarf knotted at his throat .
- 离开地铁站,我感到前所未有的认同感,这比我精心布置的头巾所带给我的还要强烈。
- I left the metro feeling secure in much more than the arrangement of my head scarf .
- 白天的时候,陈文海把头发盘在头上,用头巾包起来,看上去像顶着个篮子。
- In the daytime he balanced his hair on his head like a basket , protected by a scarf .
- wai对于你的网站来说很重要吗?
- Is wai important to your web site ?
- 你们的团队会怎样使用wai网站来定义你们公司网站的可及性?
- How can your team use the wai web site to determine the accessibility of your company web site ?
- 我的这点失望之情不久就被刘建伟(音,laukinwai)的出现一扫而光,他继承了开餐厅的父亲那股热情好客的劲儿。
- Whatever disappointment I may have felt was soon negated by the appearance of lau kin wai , who has inherited the hospitality trait from his restaurateur father .