- 埃及官员已经表达了尴尬的抱歉。
- Egyptian officials have voiced embarrassed regret .
- 我很惊讶,也感到尴尬。
- I was surprised and embarrassed .
- 值得疑惑的是为什么日本社会不为他们首相的行为感到难堪。
- It puzzles us why japanese society is not embarrassed by its prime minister .
- 当局在证词中提到事故原因时说,“游艇看上去是人为造成沉没的”。
- " The vessel appeared to have been deliberately sunk , " authorities said in their probable cause affidavit .
- 不要再纠结于失去的沉没成本,想想别的事情,将注意力集中到毅然放弃和向前迈进会给你带来的收获上。
- When regrets about sunk costs creep into your thinking , have a replacement thought ready , one that focuses on everything you gain from walking away and moving on .
- 但韩国一些议员指出,他在天安舰被击沉后曾说过同样的话。
- But some lawmakers argue that he said the same after the cheonan warship was sunk .