- 娉婷得知要远嫁鞑靼,欲离家出走却被子健捉回,惟有写信叫征明尽快来提亲。
- Pinting know that you will to girls , but runaways tatar image , but the quilt rehabilitation catch back as soon as possible to write that levy ming propose .
- 例如,回想起我职业生涯的黑暗时代,我曾为奢华杂志撰写过关于美容产品的文章,那时我常拽着未婚夫和我一起到异国的加勒比海泡温泉。
- Back in the dark ages of my career , for example , when I used to write about beauty products for glossy magazines , I often carted my husband-to-be with me to spas in exotic caribbean locales .
- 人们通常指望入学申请者会要求他们的顶头上司写一封推荐信,但如果老板推脱或直接拒绝的话,事情或许会变得非常棘手。
- Candidates are generally expected to request letters from their direct supervisors , but if the boss pushes back or refuses to write one , things can get tricky .