- 不过回忆却为人们观察其他世界提供一扇有用的窗户。
- But memory does provide a salutary window into other worlds .
- 存储芯片的价格已经直线上升。
- The price of memory chips has jumped .
- 运动甚至可以帮助恢复记忆。
- It may even restore memory .
- 我想起过去那些似曾相识的言论。
- I recall similar utterances in the past .
- 有两件事我记得十分清楚。
- I recall two events with clarity .
- 厄瓜多尔的此举使巴西召回了其大使。
- That led brazil to recall its ambassador .
- 买他画的人想通过画作回忆的是威尼斯的美,而不是城市居民的生活。
- His buyers wanted to recollect the city 's beauty , not the life of its people .
- 花时间来记住和回忆你觉得在生活中想要的一切。
- Do take time to remember and recollect everything you feel you want from your life .
- 研究还发现,那些戒烟者发现自己回忆信息的能力恢复到了和不吸烟者相近的水平。
- And the research also found that those who kicked the habit saw their ability to recollect information restored to almost the same level as non-smokers .