- 其中有彝,回,羌,藏,苗等少数民族。
- Among these are the yi , hui , quian , tibetan and miao people .
- 参与了汇贤(huixian)招股工作的人士,把需求低于预期的原因,归咎于近期欧洲债务问题导致的全球市场震荡。
- People involved in the offering of hui xian have blamed the lower-than-expected demand on recent volatility in global markets amid debt problems in europe .
- 许鞍华从事电影导演职业已经有三十多个年头,其电影主题覆盖了越南船民的苦难生活、老年痴呆症和女同性恋。
- Ms. Hui 's movie - making career has spanned more than three decades , and she has covered topics that include the plight of Vietnamese boat people , Alzheimer 's disease and lesbianism .
- 每当我要投篮的时候,他们的后卫总是挡在我面前。
- Their guards were in front of me everytime I tried to shot .
- 每当我求告主,能推动神的手。
- When everytime I pray , I move the hand of god .
- 为什么每一次你的出现,鸟儿都会突然涌现?
- Why do birds suddenly apear everytime you are near ?