- 应对措施:按照工作要求去回答问题。
- Approach : try to tie your answer back to the job requirements .
- 不要跟我顶嘴,这是不礼貌的。
- Don 't answer back ; it 's not polite .
- 据该公司称,识别处理可以在远地进行,用户能马上获得答案。
- Recognition processing would occur remotely and the user would get an answer back right away according to the company .
- 怀疑者反驳说阿里这么做是因为别无选择。
- Sceptics retort that alibaba had little choice .
- 而悲观者反驳到即使有最近的新发现,石油还是会供不应求。
- The pessimists retort that recent discoveries are still not enough .
- 许多北约官员反驳道,是法国存心妨碍才令同盟灵魂毁灭。
- Many nato officials retort that it is french obstructionism that is soul-destroying .