- 望塔之间还有当年铁幕围墙的残存,围墙的混泥土立柱下曾经埋下反穿越地雷,地雷中装有110克tnt炸药和80块金属碎片,爆炸可向四周辐射达30码。
- Between them stood a remnant of the original iron curtain fence : its concrete support posts had once been fortified with antipersonnel fragmentation mines loaded with an explosive charge of 110 grams of tnt and 80 metal splinters that could be propelled 30 yards in all directions .
- 而学会如何学习是一种才能,它能帮你轻松周旋于生活的方方面面,从烹饪艺术到天体物理,你可以获得任何领域的知识!
- And learning to learn is a quality that helps you move in all directions . You can learn in all areas , from culinary arts to astrophysics !
- 在简单介绍第四方物流概念的基础上,基于实际工程项目应用背景,指出第四方物流运作中的关键问题,建立了赋予多维权的有向图模型。
- In simple introduction content of all directions spreads notional base , be based on actual project project to use background , point out content of all directions sheds the crucial question in running , built gift multidimensional the digraph model of authority .