- 在海的边缘之下,周围有野瓜环绕;每肘十瓜,围绕着铜海,共有两行,是铸海的时候铸上的。
- And under its brim there were knops all around , encircling it , ten to a cubit , surrounding the sea all around ; the knops were cast in two rows when they were cast .
- 事实上,数以百万计的蝴蝶正簇拥着我们它们挥舞着翅膀,不时飞入树林中,一会儿又飞回我们身边。
- In fact , millions of butterflies were all around us-vast fluttering waves of them , dipping down into the woods and coming back up around us again .
- 我讨厌每天约显示出来,谁像对待没有任何照顾喷出火各地爱的人。
- I hate people around showing up every day , who treats love like spurting fire all around without any care .