- 你喜欢s型还是m型的女孩?
- Do you prefer s - or m-sized women ?
- 索尼公司希望能够利用tablets改变人们的这种认知。
- The company is hoping the tablet s changes that perception .
- 使用s笔进行简单的书写和画图都很容易。
- Using the s pen for simple handwriting or sketching was easy .
- 你喜欢s型还是m型的女孩?
- Do you prefer s - or m-sized women ?
- 索尼公司希望能够利用tablets改变人们的这种认知。
- The company is hoping the tablet s changes that perception .
- 使用s笔进行简单的书写和画图都很容易。
- Using the s pen for simple handwriting or sketching was easy .
- 我又安慰地拍了拍她的手。
- I give her hand a reassuring pat .
- 2009年,在与正统右翼人士--派特图米的初选竞争时,斯派克再次更换自己的党派信仰。
- In 2009 , facing a primary challenge from pat toomey , an orthodox right-winger , mr specter switched parties again .
- 派特的一名传记作者伊桑拉里克指出,他的写作对象常常对希望他从这些项目上退步挺身的建议不屑一顾。
- Ethan rarick , author of a biography of pat , notes that his subject often ignored advice to hold back on his own projects .