- 整日神情恍惚,茶饭不思;动不动就伤心痛哭,还不允许侍女们靠近服侍她。
- Whole day the facial expression is absentminded and the tea rice don 't think ; on every occasion sad cry bitterly , return to disallow the maids to close to serve her .
- 他枕著土块,睡在草席之上,偷偷地将巴豆油涂在脸上,故意弄出满脸疮痕,以表示自己悲痛哭泣得非常厉害。
- His pillow is worn clod , sleep on straw mat , on the sly is croton oil besmear on the face , intended lane goes out all over the face sore mark , in order to state oneself cry very badly bitterly .
- 整日神情恍惚,茶饭不思;动不动就伤心痛哭,还不允许侍女们靠近服侍她。
- Whole day the facial expression is absentminded and the tea rice don 't think ; on every occasion sad cry bitterly , return to disallow the maids to close to serve her .