- 唉,这是条通向饥荒的道路。
- That alas is the road to famine .
- 哎呀,这个好处会随着时间的推移而消失。
- Alas , this benefit may diminish over time .
- 唉,金融危机似乎是无可避免的。
- Financial crises seem inevitable , alas .
- 冀先生的故事是极其非凡的,因为他的童年是与美国联系在一起的。
- Mr. ji 's story is all the more remarkable because of his childhood ties to the united states .
- 如今,冀先生坚持认为他的中文说得很不好,也只能勉强书写汉字。
- To this day , mr. ji insists that he speaks poor chinese and can barely write decent chinese characters .
- 与西方隔离的那些年,冀先生骑自行车上班,每月大概挣十美元,只有一套蓝色的毛式衣服。
- In those years of isolation from the west , mr. ji bicycled to work , earned about $ 10 a month and had but one blue mao suit .
- 胡深受启发,她按照克莱因的教导,重新排列了Lark包装盒内的部件。
- Hu , impressed , did as she was told , rearranging what was inside the box . "
- 胡和他的同事想知道说谎是怎样在练习中得到变化的。
- Hu and his colleague wanted to see how lying changed with practice .