- 与他父亲不同,“拖把头”发型的金正恩直接对全国发表演讲,声音洪亮足以掩盖讲话内容的枯燥和单调。
- Unlike his father , the mop-haired mr kim spoke directly to the nation , in a resonant voice that masked the monotony of his message .
- 对那些将伊斯兰教的基本经文看作真理的最终裁决者的人而言,这些都是引发共鸣的隐喻。
- For anyone who looks to islam 's foundational texts as the ultimate arbiter of truth , these are resonant allusions .
- 当我们睡眠时,我们的脑部对白日的记忆进行工作处理,聚焦于最能引起情感共鸣的部分。
- As we sleep , our brains work through the day 's memories , focusing on the most emotionally resonant parts .
- 现在我38岁了,我可以不带炫耀地说,没有人拯救过我。
- Now I am 38 years old , and I can state without fanfare : no one saved me .
- 这一创举并不值得像它以前那样值得夸耀。
- This innovation does not deserve as much fanfare as it has been getting .
- 穿越整个澳洲似乎是一次英雄的旅程,但印度洋太平洋铁路上的旅客却没有太多的东西可以来炫耀。
- Crossing an entire continent may seem like a heroic journey , but passengers booking on the indian pacific should not expect too much fanfare .
- 乐队继续以极强音演奏下去。
- The band continued playing fortissimo .
- 随后是第二轮最强音,与第一轮相似,但更短、显得也不那么重要。
- A second fortissimo phase follows , similar to the first , but shortened and possibly less significant .
- 几小节之后,音量降下,然后钢琴以最强音强有力地爆发出沉重刺耳的和弦。
- For several bars the volume draws back , then erupts into a powerfully sad fortissimo with heavy , dissonant chords in the piano part .