- 自发的罢工和喧闹的示威已经影响到某些地区。
- Already , wildcat strikes and noisy demonstrations have disrupted several regions .
- 球员应能够应对嘈杂的体育场内各种令人分心的事物。
- Players need to be able to handle distractions in a noisy stadium environment .
- 我喜欢在晚上很晚的时候,人们还可以有喧闹的聚会。
- I love that people can have noisy parties until very late into the night .
- 许多出口导向业务正在激增,因为是技术企业和生产日用品和农产品的企业。
- Plenty of export-oriented businesses are booming as are technology firms and anything to do with commodities or agriculture .
- 然而,随着欧洲大陆的穆斯林人口膨胀以及宗教性许可商品数量激增,此类产品的管理问题愈发迫切。
- But with muslim populations swelling throughout europe and the business of religiously approved goods booming , the question of how to regulate such products is becoming more urgent .
- 在发行量激增、美联储(fed)加入购买行列的背景下,这种下降显得更为可观。
- The decline is more significant in the context of booming issuance and federal reserve purchases .
- 并不是每个在场的人都愿意屏息倾听,所以抱有希望的投资者必须用声音盖过观众的喧闹。
- Not everyone in the room is ready to shut up and listen , so the hopefuls must battle against the din .
- 医院里的喧闹声音似乎消散了,病房里有的只是沉默。
- The din of the hospital seemed to dissipate , leaving a wincing silence in the room .
- 城市居民往往受困于喧嚣的交通噪音。
- City dwellers compete with the din of traffic to be heard .
- 噢谢天谢地他们没事吧?
- Oh , thank cou . All wen ?
- 软件项目管理清华大学研究生课程课件。
- Software project management , tsinghua university graduate student curriculum cou .
- 目前我们参加的婚礼往往都是同居多年的一对恋人举行的婚礼。当他们采取结婚这一正式步骤时,会有什么变化发生呢?
- Most of the weddings we 've attended recently have been between cou ples who 've lived together for years . When they take the formal step of marriage , does anything change ?
- 蔡志勇解释说,广告设计者们通常会面临这样一个困境:是剧本第一还是客户第一?
- Cai explains that ad designers face a dilemma between script first or client first .
- 蔡志松还特意为作品撰写前言强化这个过程。
- What is more , Cai Zhisong specifically wrote a preface to reinforce this process .
- 简而言之,您将看到,样例业务组件如何利用CAIAPI。
- Shortly , you will see how the sample business component utilizes the CAI API .