- 袖子里有喷雾器吗?可以看看吗?
- Some sort of sprayer up your sleeve ? May I ?
- 你的袖子里面有什么喷桶吗?
- Some sort of sprayer up your sleeve ?
- 两匹马组成的街道清扫车辆,车后部备有喷头、橡胶扫帚和滚压机。
- A two-horse team street cleaner , with sprayer , squeegee , and roller at rear .
- 此外,含有生物炭的土壤比没有经过处理的土壤释放更少的沼气和一氧化二氮,可能是因为木炭促进了这些气体的分解。
- Moreover , soil containing biochar releases less methane and less nitrous oxide than its untreated counterparts , probably because the charcoal acts as a catalyst for the destruction of these gases .
- 浏览后页:氧化亚氮吸人分娩镇痛效果及对母儿的影响。
- Inhalation of nitrous oxide for labor analgesia and its ffects onmothers and infants .
- 接下来是动物粪便所有动物的粪便都产生一氧化二氮,一种温室效应是co2296倍的温室气体。
- Then there 's manure - all that animal waste generates nitrous oxide , a greenhouse gas that has 296 times the warming effect of co2 .