- 在过去的16年里,由上个世纪60年代的骚动形成的婴儿潮一代在白宫占据了主导。
- For the past 16 years , baby boomers , who were formed by the tumult of the 1960s , occupied the white house .
- 但在近几个月的混乱中,一种极其重要的新变化却有望改变能源市场的格局,尽管鲜有人注意这一变化。
- But in the tumult of recent months one crucial , if little noticed , development has the potential to transform the energy market .
- 然而,在骚动季之后,控制警察部队可能是党密切关注的问题。
- More probable , however , is that after a season of tumult , the control of the police force itself is now under scrutiny .