- 嗡嗡作响的东西突然从我的裤子口袋里。
- Suddenly something buzzed from my pant pocket .
- 她给了他与她的眼睛回答解开自己的腰带和裤子拉链,他去了。
- She gave him an answer with her eyes and unbuckled his belt and went for his pant zipper .
- 任何人从恶梦中惊醒时会突然坐起来喘气。
- Any person waking from a nightmare will sit upright and pant hard .
- 阿迪扼杀一个喘息和她的脊椎僵硬了。
- Addie stifled a gasp and her spine went rigid .
- “你都能听到他激动地喘息声,”哈利的妈妈丽回忆道,“那礼物成了他的整个世界。”
- " You could hear the gasp of excitement , " recounted harry 's mother , lee . " It just made his whole world . "
- 他们怀疑我根本就不会说什么让自己得到喘息的机会的话,我只是通过反驳别的每一个人来自娱自乐。
- They suspect that I will say anything to get a gasp , that I am just amusing myself by contradicting everybody else .