- 泰国是第一个公开表示欢迎twitter新政策的国家。
- Thailand was the first country publicly to welcome twitter 's new policy .
- 推特改变了所有的缺点。
- Twitter changed all of that .
- 它全部来源于推特。
- It all comes from twitter .
- 人们干活越多,可以唠叨闲话的时间就越少。
- The more people have to do , the less time they have for idle chatter .
- 然而监测这种唠叨却可能将这种流行消灭于萌芽状态。
- Monitoring the chatter , however , may nip such an epidemic in the bud .
- 但情况并不总是如此,因为许多不爱说话的人同时也是不爱听人说话的人--他们会对唠叨充耳不闻。
- But that 's not always the case , since many non-talkers are also non-listeners -- they simply tune out the chatter .
- 雄蟋蟀搓揉着它们的双腿,制造出唧唧声来企图诱惑雌蟋蟀。
- Male crickets rub their legs together to produce the chirp in a bid to lure females .
- 基于soa啁啾管理的连续可调谐色度色散补偿的研究。
- Tunable chromatic dispersion compensation using chirp control based on xpm in a soa .
- 中途休息时,他们都会把火鸡带到宾馆房间,听小鸡叽叽喳喳三个小时之后又接着赶路。
- Stopping to rest , they brought the turkeys into their hotel room but hit the road again after listening to the birds chirp for three hours .