- 朝圣者要完成一系列仪式,其中包括绕天房行走、在阿拉法特山上站立守夜和用石头砸死魔鬼的仪式。
- Pilgrims perform a series of rituals including walking around the kaaba , standing vigil on mount arafat and a ritual stoning of the devil .
- 成千上万穆斯林为在沙特阿拉伯麦加大清真寺的天房内外。
- Hundreds of thousands of muslims circle the kaaba inside and outside the grand mosque in mecca , saudi arabia .
- 麦加的克尔白【注】被改造成一个投票箱,支持复兴党(nahda)的选民将其团团环绕,该伊斯兰政党在突尼斯最近的选举中赢得绝大多数。
- The kaaba in mecca is transformed into a ballot box , surrounded by voters supporting nahda , the islamist party that won a majority in tunisia 's recent elections .
- 你到不了阿卡巴的,英国人!
- You will not be at aqaba , english !
- 你可以从阿卡巴来补给我们!
- You could supply us through aqaba !
- 你允许土耳其人待在阿卡巴。
- You permit the turks to stay in aqaba .