- 积极对待它写下它,或散散步,或找一个有爱心的肩膀哭一场。
- Just do it constructively write it down , walk it off , or find a caring shoulder to cry on .
- 在显眼的地方写下来。
- Write it down somewhere visible .
- 被救的那位答道:“受到伤害时,我们应该把它记在沙地上,宽恕之风会将其抹平。可受人恩惠时,我们应该把它刻在石头上,任何风雨也不会把它擦掉。”
- The other friend replied : " when someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away . But when someone does something good for us , we must engraves it in stone where no wind ever erases it . "