- ommalik报告称salesforce.com,一家总部位于旧金山,提供软件即服务客户关系管理服务的网站,将推出自己的palmpre本机软件。
- Om malik reports that salesforce.com , the san francisco-based provider of a saas crm and the force.com platform , will have a native palm pre app of its very own .
- 这就是区分我们和其他灵长类的奇迹了。
- The miracle that separates us om all other primates .
- 自由女神像的相关信息。
- Information om statue of liberty hotel .
- 高盛前高级投资银行家王理查(richardong)也加入了厚朴基金。
- Mr fang was joined at hopu by richard ong , a former senior goldman investment banker .
- 写作,昂格说,是一种重新审视自己想法并在此过程中对想法进行加工的能力,这种能力塑造了一种思维方式。
- The act of writing , ong said - the ability to revisit your ideas and , in the process , refine them - transformed the shape of thought .
- 昂随后推论积极的情绪是否对我们的健康有益呢,“对此的一个直接,可以衡量的推论便是它是对有品质生活的延长年。”
- Ong speculates that if positive emotions are indeed good for our health then , " one direct , measureable consequence of this should be the extended years of quality living . "