- 它没有容易出故障、制造噪音的压缩机。
- It has no compressor to break or make noise .
- 它没有容易出故障、制造噪音的压缩机。
- It has no compressor to break or make noise .
- 他们向耶路撒冷城嗤笑,摇头,说,难道人所称为全美的,称为全地所喜悦的,就是这城吗?
- All who go by make a noise with their hands at you ; they make hisses , shaking their heads at the daughter of jerusalem , and saying , is this the town which was the crown of everything beautiful , the joy of all the earth ?
- 需求的呼声此起彼伏,当韩国某个乡镇的政府机构对外宣称他们将销售便宜的腌制卷心菜时,咨询数量如洪水般的涌进当地网站,网站差点因此而瘫痪。
- Such is the clamour for the stuff that when the municipal authority of one rural town announced that it would sell cheap packets of cabbage in brine , its website was inundated with inquiries and crashed .
- 从客厅传来的喧闹声。
- The clamour of voices from the living-room .
- 因此,消费者似乎没有大声喧哗要打破钻石的垄断。
- There seems to be no consumer clamour to break up the diamond cartel .
- 这个世界的噪声是低沉的咆哮充斥了你生活中的每一秒钟。
- The noise of the world is a dull roar that pervades every second of your life .
- 首先,伴随着轰鸣声的发射将会比航天飞机的发射过程迅速一些,ess说。
- For one thing , it will roar off the pad a bit faster than a space shuttle , ess said .
- 他的成就是由他能引起其他人的钦佩-人群的轰鸣声和体育节目重视的多少来衡量的。
- His achievement is measured by how much he can elicit the admiration of other people - the roar of the crowd and the respect of espn .
- 有会议室的贝灵厄姆(华盛顿州)饭店。
- Bellingham , wa hotels with conference room .
- 我们如何保护和分享西澳大利亚渔业资源?
- How do we protect and share wa 's fish resources ?
- 你听过女娲补天那美丽的传说吗?
- You heard the legend of nu wa the sky beautiful you ?
- 哇,这宝贝儿看起来太帅了!
- Wow ! What an ...... amazing looking baby !
- 哇,jeff,你看起来无聊的很罗。
- Wow jeff , looks like you are bored .
- 丹尼尔:哇,从山顶往下看,景色真壮观!
- Daniel : wow , the view from the peak is so grand !