- 因此,我在镇上最脏的一家酒馆里做清洁工,工作是把20岁青年们的呕吐物,烟头以及别的废弃物清理干净。
- So , I got a job as a cleaner in the dirtiest pub in town cleaning up 20 year old 's vomit , cigarette butts and a whole lot of other junk .
- 你的履历要让你的好友恶心,但不能恶心到吐出来的地步。
- Your cv should make your closest friend gag , but not vomit .
- 有时候,就像身体会驱赶毒物一样,灵魂也需要吐出一些毒素。
- Sometimes , like the body expelling poisons , the soul also needs to vomit emotional toxins .