- 事情真相是没有人真正地知道造成打哈欠的真正根本原因。
- The truth is no one really knows the real root cause of a yawn .
- 市场调研听上去像是另一种让人打呵欠的“乏味”任务,但略过这一步会……
- Market research may sound like another one of those * yawn * tasks but skipping this step is ......
- 研究小组发现,大脑温度的峰值在打呵欠时上升,之后开始下降,最后迅速下降到打呵欠之前的温度。
- The team discovered that brain temperature spikes in the run-up to a yawn , then starts to decline , and finally falls rapidly to pre-yawn temperature .
- 我知道那些失眠症患者都是那些在他们不感到困倦的时候就去睡觉的人。
- I read that most insomniacs are people who go to bed when they aren 't sleepy .
- 然后门开了,仅仅够露出一只长鼻子和一对困倦的眼睛。
- Then the door opened , just enough to show a long nose and pair of sleepy eyes .
- 假如每晚你都要花费5分钟以上的时间才能够入睡的话,那说明你还不够困倦。
- If it 's taking you more than five minutes to fall asleep each night , you aren 't sleepy enough .