- 对于关闭地方医院,人们多有不满。
- There has been much gnashing of teeth about the proposal to close the local hospital .
- 真相将既会是辉煌的,又会是令人畏惧的,亲爱的,当你们发现它,将会有悔恨交加与咬牙切齿。
- The truth will be both glorious and dreadful , beloveds , when you discover it , and there will be great remorse and gnashing of teeth .
- 进入英国国内的投资常常以开设新的工厂的形式(感谢以尼桑为代表的日本汽车制造者)或是目前更普遍的方式,由外国人整体接收如吉百利之类的英国本土名牌企业,这令人对本国企业的衰落愤恨不已。
- Inward investment into britain usually consists of the opening of new factories ( think japanese carmakers , led by nissan ) or , more often these days , the takeover of famous british names like cadbury by foreigners , accompanied by gnashing of teeth about pillars of native business falling .
- 与其他情况相比尽管不是热门话题,夜间磨牙症事实上是最为常见的一种睡眠障碍。
- While less talked-about than many other conditions , bruxism is actually one of the most common sleep disorders .
- 咀嚼问题常常是夜间磨牙症的一个原因,检查有没有牙齿损伤是个不错的方法。
- Bite problems are often a cause of bruxism , and it 's a good idea to check for damage to your teeth .
- 如果你经常醒来的时候有轻微的头痛或下巴肿痛,你可能是在睡觉的时候磨牙或者紧闭牙关,被称为夜间磨牙症。
- If you often wake up with a dull headache or sore jaw , you may be grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw while you sleep , a problem called bruxism .